Easy and fun all-year fundraising for your school

Welcome to Your School Lottery. Our easy-to-use digital fundraising platform can keep those funds rolling into your PTA or School all year round - even through the school holidays! With fantastic prizes for your supporters to win, the tickets will sell themselves - and the best part? With no setup costs, it’s free to get started, and only takes a couple of minutes to register your school!

Sign up

There are no setup costs, and it only takes a couple of minutes to register your school!

Need something to share at your next PTA meeting? Download our leaflet.

Tell everyone

We provide all the personalised marketing materials you need for Facebook, WhatsApp groups, Newsletters, and apps like ClassDojo - and with fantastic prizes on offer every week, tickets will sell themselves!

Raise funds

With a market-leading 70% of every £1 ticket going back to your school community (40% in funds to your school, and 30% as a weekly cash prize to one of your supporters), it’s a school fundraising platform you can rely on - all year round!

Guaranteed cash prize

There is a cash prize for one of your supporters every week. Sold 100 tickets? One of your supporters will win £30 every Saturday!

The only school lottery to guarantee a cash prize for EVERY school, EVERY week!

£25,000 Jackpot

Every week there is a chance to match all 6 numbers and win the £25,000 Jackpot!

Monthly bonus prizes

At the end of every month is our Super Draw all supporters are entered into this extra draw for free to win prizes like luxury holidays, £1,000 shopping vouchers, huge gaming bundles, and much more!

Need to chat to the PTA or Governors first? No problem.

If you'd like some leaflets to take to the next meeting just click below and we'll send you some.

Frequently asked questions

Q: What administration does the school/PTA need to do?

We do all the administrative work.

You will need to tell the local authority about your lottery draws. We will prepare all of this documentation for you, you just need to sign it and forward to the Local Authority.

Q: If my school gets 40p per entry, where does the other 60p go?

36p is used to support the prizes and the remaining 24p is used to administer the lottery itself.

Q: Who deals with any questions my supporters have?

We do. We have a dedicated support number (01865 582828) that deals directly with any queries your supporters have.